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School admissions and appeals advice:
how to win an appeal for an over-subscribed school
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School Admissions Advice Videos
Applying for a place in a state school or academy for your child? What could possibly go wrong?
Well, actually, quite a lot. These videos demystify jargon, highlight potential school application pitfalls, and explain how to get a higher priority for your school application.
Helen spent 14 years managing admissions at a very popular state school. She has seen at first hand what can go wrong and knows how to avoid issues when making an application for a state school.
Whatever state school or academy you are applying for, whether it's a Selective Grammar School, Catholic School, Sikh school, Muslim School, Multi Faith School, or any other kind of school, watch these videos before you apply. It might make the difference between being offered a place for your child, or having an unsuccessful application.
Ten pitfalls to avoid when applying for a school place
What schools don't want you to know
Does your child qualify for a higher priority?
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